What does it take to create a wellness program that actually works? Here’s what Think Advisor is reporting.
Wellness programs are not new to the employee benefits landscape. They’ve been around for a while, and employees know what they’re about. But, how do you get employees excited and willing to participate in them? Here are some best practices:
Include mental health
In the COVID landscape, employees are more more likely to be suffering from anxiety and depression. Finding meaningful tools to manage both can be invaluable.
Chronic Care Support
Offer support for complex conditions that integrates with overall health and other conditions. Too often one condition is siloed, but more and more participants are managing two or more conditions at the same time.
Personalizing Support
Offering targeted employees the specific support they need will go farther than finding a one-size-fits-all solution for the whole company.
For more insights, read the full article here.
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